Yesterday, I took Savannah for her 9 Month check-up, and she is a healthy baby weighing in at 20 lbs and measuring 27 ½ inches in length. This puts Savannah in the 75th percentile for weight and the 50th percentile for height. Savannah is in the process of cutting two new teeth for a grand total of four (two on bottom and two on top).
One of Savannah's new beloved pastimes is looking in the mirror at herself. She is such a diva!!
Savannah is pulling up on everything. She is so proud of herself when she is vertical.
Last weekend, we took
Savannah to the beach for the first time.
We went with our Sunday School Class, and we had a great time.
Savannah liked the beach and ocean.
Her favorite thing to do at the beach is to eat sand.
As soon as, I put her down she immediately grabbed a handful of sand and put it in her mouth!!!
She was covered in sand from head to toe.
Yum Yum Sand!!
When we were finished playing at the beach we went to see a sand castle building contest. The entries were very impressive. Here are some pictures of my favorites.
Honky Conah Blues
1st Place
I wish I looked that cute in a swimsuit!
I was thinking the same thing about the swimsuit. Susan she is so so so cute!!!!
The pictures are great!
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