Monday, July 7, 2008

10 Month Update

Savannah is 10 months old and loves getting into mischief. One example is this table, Terence and I used to keep some of our current reading material on this table, but not any more. Maybe, we should encourage her since she loves books and she likes reading (aka tearing out the pages and eating the paper).

There have been a lot of changes recently such as Savannah hates the swing. I even bought these cool toys to go on the tray of the swing to encourage her to sit in the swing. Therefore, I could take my eyes off of her for one minute, but no she does not want to be confined. Two more things that she hates are diaper changes and the car seat. I am counting the days until I can turn her car seat around. I am hopeful that this will help with the loathing of the car seat.


Savannah loves Jello!! We had Jello for dessert one night, and oh my, Savannah was red from head to toe. Two baths later and her skin was still stained. Note to self for second child - Do not give baby red Jello and let her feed herself.

This month Terence celebrated his first Father’s Day. The day was very special. We dedicated Savannah to the church. Terence’s parents came in town for the dedication. The bible verses that we choose for Savannah are Philippians 1:9-11.

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.

It was really neat because there were six babies being dedicated on Father’s day, and they were all from our Sunday School Class. We are a productive bunch!!

Here is the gift that Savannah made Terence at daycare.

Savannah had more visitors after Maw and Papa left. My mom came for a visit and some of our friends from UT.

Savannah’s pool days are over for while. She has to get tubes put in her ears in a few weeks. So no more skinny dipping until then.