Sunday, December 30, 2007

4 Month Update

Merry Christmas and Happy 2008

Savannah enjoyed her first Christmas! She spent some more time napping on Papa's stomach, and we took about 100 pictures in front of the Christmas tree.

Check out my legs!

Savannah got a lot of fun new toys to play with and explore.

Can you see my tonsils?

Today, I took Savannah for her four month check-up. She had to get three shots!! She is a healthy baby weighing in at 14 lbs 14 oz and measuring 24 1/2 inches. See you next month.

Friday, December 21, 2007


On the following URL you can see a video of Savannah in her ExerSaucer.

This video is Savannah in her swing.


Saturday, December 8, 2007

3 Month Update

Savannah has had a busy month with her grandparents. She spent the month with her Grandma JoAnn keeping her.

Also, Savannah discovered one of her favorite places to sleep, on Papa's stomach.

Or napping in the bouncy seat with Grandma Bertie.

Savannah is starting to show her personality more. She smiles and laughs and coos.
She has her dad's laid back personality.

Savannah enjoyed her first Thanksgiving dinner, a delicious meal of formula.

Then we decorated the Christmas tree. The first time Savannah saw the Christmas tree she spit out her pacifier and stared at the lights.

We went to visit the "Big Man in the Red Suit" (aka Santa) Savannah did not like Santa this year, but I am sure that she will change her mind in the future.

But for now the only man for her is Dad!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

2 Month Update

Savannah has been in our life now for 2 months. Yesterday, we went to the doctor for her 2 month check up, and she is a healthy baby weighing in at 11 pounds and measuring 21 ¾ inches!! Also, Savannah had to get 3 SHOTS, and her Grandma cried as much as she did!

This month Savannah had a lot of visitors: Grandma and Pa Pa (from Newnan, Georgia), Grandma Bertie and Maw-Maw (from Luthersville, Georgia), Adam and Wendy (from Austin, Texas), Nedra and David (from Albuquerque, New Mexico).

Tomorrow, I have to return to work! I hope I do not cry all day, but Savannah will be well taken care of by her Grandma. Here are some pictures of Savannah enjoy!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

1 Month

Wow! One month has passed since Savannah was born. She is doing all the things that newborns do eating, pooping, peeing, and sleeping. Terence and I are enjoying every minute!
Here are some pictures of Savannah. Enjoy!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Two Week Checkup

Yesterday, we had a two-week well baby checkup. Savannah has had a busy two weeks. She now weighs 6 lbs 8 oz and she grew a whole inch (now 19 inches)!! Everyone is well and healthy.

One of Savannah’s favorite pastimes is the sit in her “Go Go Baby Bouncer” (a vibrating seat). Today she discovered the dinosaurs that are hanging down, and she loves to stare and them until she falls asleep.

Savannah Has Arrived!!

On Friday, August 31, 2007 at 9:43am the most wonderful thing happened to Terence and I, our daughter, Savannah, was born. She weighed 6 lbs and 4.4 oz and was 18 inches long. It is truly amazing how your world and focus can change instantly.

I am creating this blog to keep everyone posted with progress reports and new pictures of Savannah.
