Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Garner #2

Baby Garner #2 due March 4, 2010.

Terence and I are happy to announce that Savannah will be a big sister next year!! We went to the doctor today and had an ultrasound. The baby has a strong heart beat and we could see the umbilical cord. The due date is March 4, 2010, but I will probably have the baby in mid to late February.

A couple of weeks ago our pastor preached about feeling the presence of God in our life, and that sometimes with how busy we keep our lives it is hard to feel God's presence. But looking at the the ultrasound today and seeing the precious little life that is growing we could totally feel the presence of God.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Vacation Summer 2009

Happy Independence Day!!

We have been enjoying our “stay-cation” this week. It will be so sad to go back to work Monday. Earlier this week we went to Moody Gardens in Galveston for a couple of days. Galveston has not recovered completely from Hurricane Ike yet. I hope we do not have another hurricane this year!

Savannah is so sweet, and finally she will let me put a bow in her hair!

Savannah loved the aquarium.

This picture was taken on the way home.

Also, I am happy to announce that Savannah has been without her pacifier for 2 ½ weeks!!! She only used her passy at nap-time and bed-time. We took it away on June 23, and she is doing great. She is such a big girl.